Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 9 Ch. 33
an object of affection, a pleasure for the mind, my sole Support, my confidant, whom I value most, like a box of jewellery, like a costly stone, like festivity to the living, my joy, only son. Like the udumvara flower (which is not visible), I deem it to be a rare fortune to hear your name, what to Speak of being able to fix my eyes on you. I connot bear even for a moment the separation from you. Hence I Suggest that so long as I am alive, you stay at home and Serve the line, when I am dead and gone and you too are advanced in age, when the line is securely established, you may renounce the life of a householder and be a monk.”
तएणं जमाली खत्तियकुमारे अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी-तहा वि णं तं अम्मयाओ! जं णं तुब्भे मम एवं वयह तुमं सि णं जया ! अम्हं एगे पुत्ते इट्ठ कंते चेव जाव...पव्वइहिसि । एवं खलु अम्मयाओ! माणुस्सए भवे अणेगजाइजरामरणरोगसारीरमाणसपकामदुक्खवेयणवसणसओवद्दवाविभूए अधुवे अणिइए असासए संज्झब्भरागसरिसे जलबुब्बुयसमाणे कुसग्गजलबिंदुसण्णिभे सुविणगदंसणोवमे विज्जुलयाचंचले अणिच्चे सडणपडणविद्धंसणधम्मे पुवि वा पुच्छा वा अवस्स विप्पजहियव्वे भविस्सइ। से केस णं जाणइ अम्मयाओ! के पुब्बि गमणयाए के पच्छा गमणयाए। तं इच्छामि णं अम्मयाओ! तुन्भेहिं अब्भणुण्णाए समाणे समणस्स जाव...पव्वइत्तए ।
Jamāli said, “My dear parents ! I appreciate the sentiment expressed by my mother ; but think for a moment that this human life is tortured by birth, old age, death, physical ailment, mental pain and a thousand other troubles. This life is transcient, short and brief. Like the colours on the evening sky, like bubbles on water, like dew drops on the kusa tip ; like a dream or the flash of lightning, human life is restless and fleeting. Its nature is to rot, to fall, to decay, to die. Sooner rather than later, it has, to go. Who can say, my dear parents, who from amongt us is go earlier and who later ? .So please be good enough to give me permission to join the order of Bhagavan Mahavira as a monk." ...,
तएणं तं जमालि खत्तियकुमारं अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी-इमं च ते जाया ! सरीरगं पविसिट्ठरूवलक्खणवंजणगुणोववेयं उत्तमबलवीरीयसत्तजुत्तं विण्णाण