भगवती सूत्रम् शः ११ उः १२
A. 80. Yes Gautama. They are. This is also true of Iśāna heaven till Acyūta, Graiveyaka, Anuttara and Işatprāgvārā.
तणं सा महति महालिया जाव... पडिगया ।
Thereafter the assembly went away.
तणं आलंभियाए णयरीए सिंघाडग तिय० अवसेसं जहा सिवस्स जाव... सव्वदुक्खप्पहीणे णवरं तिदंड-कुंडियं जाव... धाउरत्तवत्थपरिहिए परिवडिय - विब्भंगे आलंभियं णयरं मज्झमज्भेणं णिग्गच्छइ जाव... .. उत्तरपुरच्छिमं दिसिभागं अवक्कमइ अवक्कमित्ता तिदंडकुंडियं च जहा खंदओ जाव... पव्वइओ सेसं जहा सिवस्स जाव... अव्वाबाहं सोक्खं अणुभवंति सासयं सिद्धा ।
On hearing from the men of Alavika that what he was saying was wrong, like Rajarși Siva, Pudgala was afraid, alarmed, confused and his vibhanga knowledge disappeared. Then with his equipments he came where Mahavira was. When his doubt was removed by Mahavira like Skandaka he gave up his tridanda, kundika and saffron robes and took initiation as a monk and like Rajarṣi Siva became siddha, buddha and mukta i, e. he was liberated and is enjoying the eternal bliss.
- सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति ।
-Bhante! So it is. What you say is right.
दुवालसमो उद्देस समत्तो ।
Chapter Twelve ends.
एगारसमं सयं समत्तं ।
Satak Eleven ends.