भगवती सूत्रम् शः ११ उ: १२
भंते त्ति भगवं गोयमे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदइ णमंसइ वं० एवं वयासी
When they had gone Gautama after paying his homage and obeisance to Mahavira submitted thus:
प्रश्न ७८ - पभू णं भंते ! इसिभद्दपुत्ते समणोवासए देवाणुप्पियाणं अंतियं मुंडे भत्ता अगाओ अणगारियं पव्वइत्तए ?
Q. 78. Bhante Is Rşibhadraputra, the worshipper of the Śramanas, capable of taking initiation from you as a Śramana after giving up his household life ?
उत्तर ७८- गोयमा ! णो इणट्ठे समट्ठे । गोयमा ! इसिभद्दपुत्ते समणोवासए बहूहिं सीलव्वयगुणव्बयवे रमणपच्चक्खाणपोसहोववासेहि अहापरिग्गहिहिं तवोकम्मेहि अप्पाणं भावेमाणे बहूई वासाई समणोवासगपरियागं पाउणहिइ ब० मासियाए संलेहणाए अत्ताणं भूसेहिइ मा० सट्टि भत्ताई अणसणाए छेदेहिइ छेदेहित्ता आलोइयपडिक्कंते समाहिपत्ते कालमासे कालं किच्चा सोहम्मे कप्पे अरुणाभे विमाणे देवत्ताए उववज्जिहि । तत्थ णं अत्थेगइयाणं देवाणं चत्तारि पलिओवमाइं विई पण्णत्ता । तत्थ णं इसिभद्दपुत्तस्स वि देवस्स चत्तारि पलिओ माई ठिई भविस्सइ ।
A. 78. Oh Gautama! No, he is not capable. But observing many Silavrata, gunavrata, viramaṇavrata, pratyākhyāna and pausadha and other austerities he will live for many years as a householder purifying his soul. Then he will court death after a month's samlekhand missing sixty meals and enriching his soul by discussing, and retracing. He will leave this body in samadhi and will be born in Saudharma heaven in Aruṇābha vimana as a god. Life-span of some of the gods of the vimāna being of four palyopamas Rşibhadraputra will get also a life-span of four palyopamas.