• Bhagavati Satra Bk. 11 Ch. 11
पलिओवम सागरोवमाणं खयेइ वा अवचयेइ वा।
Oh Sudarsana | Being free from boyhood thou have now attained youth and have heard the teachings of the Jinas from the wise Sthaviras. Their teachings was pleasing to you. Oh Sudarsana ! What you are doing now is right. So I am saying that palyopama and sāgaropama exhausts and erode.
तएणं तस्स सुदंसणस्स सेट्ठिस्स समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स अंतियं एयमट्ठ सोच्चा णिसम्म सुभेणं अज्झवसाणेणं सुभेणं परिणामेणं लेस्साहिं विसुज्झमाणीहिं तयावरणिज्जाणं कम्माणं खओवसमेणं ईहापोहमग्गणगवसणं करेमाणस्स सण्णीपुव्वजाईसरणे समुप्पण्णे एयमट्ठ सम्मं अभिसमेइ । तएणं से सुदंसणे सेट्ठि समणेणं भगवया महावीरेणं संभारियपुव्वभवे दुगुणाणीयसड्ढसंवेगे भाणंदसुपुण्णणयणे समणं भगवं महावीरं तिक्खुत्तो आयाहिणं पयाहिणं करेइ आ० वंदइ णमंसइ वंदित्ता णमंसित्ता एवं वयासी
On hearing religion from Bhagavān Mabāvira and understanding it Merchant Sudarsana due to auspicious effort, auspicious result and pure leśyå destroying the karma obstructing these qualities and practising ihā, apoha, märgaņā and gavesaná obtained sangi knowledge of his previous life. Thus he saw distinctly his previous life as described by Mahavira. This doubly increased his faith. His eyes were filled with tears of joy. Thrice he walked round Bhagavān Mahāvira in reverence, paid his homage and obeisance and said :
एवमेयं भते ! जाव...से जहेयं तुज्झे वयह त्ति कट्ट, ।
"Bhante ! What you are saying is true. So it is. It is right."
___उत्तरपुच्छिमं दिसिभागं अवक्कमई सेसं जहा उसभदत्तस्स जाव...
सव्वदुक्खप्पहीणे णवरं चोद्दस पुव्वाई अहिज्झइ बहुपडिपुण्णाई दुवालसवासाई सामण्णपरियागं पाउणइ सेसं तं चेव ।