Bhagavati Sätra Bk. 11 Ch. 10
वि णवरं अद्धासमओ णत्थि अरूवी चउविहा। लोयस्स जहा अहेलोयखेत्तलोयस्स एगमि आगासपएसे ।
- A. 69. Gautama ! What has been said of the world as space beneath has to be repeated in this case, and also about a space-point of the world as space high up ; but since in the last case, there is no time, so there non-souls without a shape are only four. The space-point of the sky over the universe is similar to the space-point of the sky over the world as space underneath.
प्रश्न ७०-अलोयस्स णं भंते ! एगमि आगासपएसे पुच्छा ?
Q.70. Bhante ! What about the space-point of the sky of the vacant space ?
उत्तर ७०-गोयमा ! णो जीवा णो जीवदेसा तं घेव जाव...अणंतेहिं अगुरूयलहुयगुणेहिं संजुत्ते सव्वागासस्स अणंतभागूणे ! दव्उओ णं अहेलोयखेत्तलोए अणंताई जीवदव्वाइं अणंताई अजीवदव्वाइं अणंता जीवाजीवदव्वा । एवं तिरियलोयखेत्तलोए वि एवं उड्डलोयखेत्तलोए वि । दव्वओ णं अलोए णेवत्थि जीवदव्वा वत्थि अजीवदव्वा वत्थि जीवाजीवदव्वा एगे अजीवदव्वदेसे जाव...सव्वागासअणंतभागुणे। कालो णं अहेलोयखेत्तलोए ण कयाइ णासि जाव...णिच्चे एवं जाव...अलोए। भावओ णं अहेलोयखेत्तलोए अगंता वण्णपज्जवा जहा खंदए जाव...अणंताअगुख्यलहुयपज्जवा एवं जाव...लोए। भावओ णं अलोए णेवत्थि वण्णपज्जवा जाव...णेवत्थि अगुरुयलहुयपज्जवा एगे अज्जीवदव्वदेसे जाव...अणंताभागूणे ।
A. 70. Gautama! There is no soul, nor the parts of the soul, etc., as before, till space is characterised by infinite nonheavy-light qualities and is slightly less by an infinite fraction than the whole sky. From the stand point of object, the world as Space beneath has an infinite number of soul-objects, an infinite number of non-soul objects, an infinite number of soul-non-soul objects. Like this the world in the middle and the world high up.From the standpoint of object, the vacant space is without a soul object, without a non-soul object, without a soul-nonsoul object, but a part of the non-soul, till slightly less by an