उत्थो उद्दसो
Chapter Four
[ Life in a Kumbhika ]
प्रश्न ४४ - कुंभिए णं भंते! एगपत्तए कि एगजीवे अणेगजीवे ?
Q. 44. Bhante ! Does a Kumbhika with a single petal have one soul or many souls ?
उत्तर ४४ – एवं जहा पलासुद्देसए तहा भाणियव्वे । जहणणं अंतमुत्तं उक्कोसेणं वासपुहुत्तं । सेसं तं चेव चेव ।
A. 44. Gautama! It is similar to a Palāsa, except that its minimum span of life is less than a muhurta and the maximum span two to nine years.
- सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति
-Bhante! So it is. You are right.
णवरं ठिझ
चउत्थो उद्देसो समत्तो ।
Chapter Four ends.