Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 9 Ch. 33
109 प्रश्न ७२-जमाली णं भंते ! अणगारे अरसाहारे विरसाहारे अंताहारे पंताहारे लहाहारे तुच्छाहारे अरसजीवी विरसजीवी जाव...तुच्छजीवी उवसंतजीवी पसंतजीवी विवित्तजीवी ?
Q. 72. Bhante ! Did Jamäli live on food without taste food with a bad taste, till insignificant food, with a tranquil life, a peaceful life and a pure and solitary life?
__ उत्तर ७२–हता! गोयमा ! जमाली णं अणगारे अरसाहारे विरसाहारे जाव...विवित्तजीवी।
A. 72. Yes, Gautama, he lived on food without taste, till he lived a pure and solitary life.
प्रश्न ७३-जइ णं भंते ! जमाली अणगारे अरसाहारे विरसाहारे जाव... विवित्तजीवी कम्हा णं भंते ! जमाली अणगारे कालमासे कालं किच्चा लंतए कप्पे तेरससागरोवमट्टिइएसु देवकिव्विसिएसु देवेसु देवकिदिवसियत्ताए उववण्णे ?
Q. 73. Bhante ! If he really lived an austere life taking food without taste, till lived a pure and solitary life, why has he been born as a kilvişika god ?
उत्तर ७३–गोयमा ! जमाली णं अणगारे आयरियपडिणीए उवज्झायपडिणीए आयरियउवज्झायाणं अयसकारए अवण्णकारए जाव...वुप्पाएमाणे जाव...बहूई वासाइं सामण्णपरियागं पाउणइ पाउणित्ता अद्धमासियाए संलेहणाए तीसं भत्ताइं अणसणाए छेदेइ छेदित्ता तस्स ठाणस्स अणालोइयपडिक्कते कालमासे कालं किच्चा लंतए कप्पे जाव...उववण्णे।
A.73. Gautama! It is because he was hostile to his ācārya and to his teacher. He spoke ill of them, spread infamy about them, till he planted himself, others, and himself and others into wrong faith, and became misguided and confused and did the same to others. True, he led the life of a monk and emaciated his body through fasts as long as a fortnight missing thirty meals at a stretch, but