Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 9 Ch. 33
path of the śramanas. Equipped with unshakable patience, thou conqureth all hindrances. Attaineth thou victory against the army of hardships by subduing thy sense organs. Attaineth thou victory through penances against the dirt of attachment and malice and wholly uprooteth thy enemy consisting of eightfold karma bondage through noble and white meditation. Oh embodiment of patience ! Roameth thou over the world uninfatuated, with the banner of devotion unfurled. Attaineth thou the purest and the highest, the supreme knowledge, and entereth thou into liberation through the straight path of perfection, as suggested by the best of Jinas. May there be no obstruction on thy spiritual path !”
तएणं से जमाली खत्तियकुमारे णयणमालासहस्सेहि पिच्छिज्जमाणे पिच्छिज्जमाणे एवं जहा उववाइए कुणिओ जाव...णिग्गच्छइ णिग्गच्छित्ता जेणेव माहणकुंडग्गामे णयरे जेणेव बहुसालए चेइए तेणेव उवागच्छइ उवागच्छित्ता छत्ताईए तित्थगराइसए पासइ पासित्ता पुरिससहस्सवाहिणि सीयं ठवेइ पुरिससहस्सवाहिणिओ सियाओ पच्चोरुहइ। तएणं तं जमालि खत्तियकुमारं अम्मापियरो पुरओ काउं जेणेव समणे भगवं सहावीरे तेणेव उवागच्छंति उवागच्छित्ता समणं भगवं महावीरं तिक्खुत्तो जाव...णमंसित्ता एवं वयासी--एवं खलु भंते ! जमाली खत्तियकुमारे अम्हं एगे पुत्ते इ8 कंते जाव...किमंग! पुणपासणयाए से जहा णामए उप्पले इ वा पउमे इ वा जाव...सहस्सपत्ते इ वा पंके जाए जले संवुड्ढ णोऽवलिप्पइ पंकरएणं णोऽवलिप्पइ जलरएणं एवामेव जमाली वि खत्ति यकुमारे कामेहिं जाए भोगेहिं संवृड्डे णो विलिप्पइ कामरएणं णो विलिप्पइ भोगरएणं णो विलिप्पइ मित्तणाइणियगसयणसंबंधिपरिजणेणं । एस णं देवाणुप्पिया ! संसारभयुम्विग्गे भीए जम्मण मरणेणं। देवाणुप्पियाणं अंतिए मुडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वतेइ। तं एवं णं देवाणुप्पियाणं अम्हे सीसभिक्खं दलयामो पडिच्छंतु णं देवाणुप्पिया ! सीस भिक्खं ।
__Like Konika (vide Aupapātika Sutra), Jamalikumar, witnessed by thousands who had thronged the thoroughfares, came out of city and approached the park. No sooner were the supernaturals around the Tirthankara were visible, than he alighted from the palanquin borne by a thousand youth.