भगवती मूत्रम् शः ९ उ: ३३ अग्गकेंसे कप्पेहि। तएणं से कासवे जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स पिउणा एवं वुत्ते समाणे हट्टतुट्ठकरयल जाव...एवं सामी ! तहत्ताणाए विणएणं वयणं पडिसुणेइ।
Having arrived, the barber shouted victory and success for Jamāli's father and enquired what for he had been called, whereon said Jamāli's father as follows: “Oh beloved of the gods ! Please cut the hairs of Jamālikumār leaving about four fingers' length at the crest suitable for entry into the order of monks. Having been commissioned thus, the barber was highly delighted. With folded hands expressing respect, he said, “My master! I shall do as per your order.”
पडिसुणित्ता सुरभिणा गंधोदएणं हत्थपाए पक्खालेइ पक्खालित्ता सुद्धाए अट्ठपडलाए पोत्तीए मुहं बंधइ मुहं बंधित्ता जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स परेणं जत्तेणं चउरंगुलवज्जे णिक्खमणपाओग्गे अग्गकेसे कप्पेइ। तएणं सा जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स माया हंसलक्खणेणं पडसाडएणं अग्गकेसे पडिच्छइ अग्गकेसे पडिच्छित्ता सुरभिणा गंधोदएणं पक्खालेइ सुरभिणा गंधोदएणं पक्खालित्ता अग्गेहि वरेहिं गंधेहि मल्लेहि अच्चेइ अग्गेहिं वरेहिं गंधेहिं मल्लेहि अच्चित्ता सुद्धे वत्थे बंधइ सुद्धे वत्थे बंधित्ता रयणकरंडगंसि पक्खिवइ पक्खिवित्ता हारवारिधारसिंदुवारछिण्णमुत्तावलिप्पगासाइं सुयवियोगदूसहाई अंसूई विणिम्मुयमाणी विणिम्मुयमाणी एवं वयासी-एस णं अम्हं जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स बहूसु तिहीसु य पव्वणीसु य उस्सवेसु य जण्णेसु य छण्णेसु य अपच्छिमे दरिसणे भविस्सईति कट्ट, ऊसीसगमूले ठवेइ ।
Having accep:ed the assignment, he washed his hands and feet with scented water, covered his mouth with a clean eightfold cloth and performed the hair-cut, leaving them about four fingers' length at the crest. The hairs were received by Jamāli's mother on a piece of cloth, white like a swan, washed them clean in scented water, worshipped them with the best of perfumes and garlands, wrapped them in the cloth and placed them in a casket inlaid with gems and precious stones, after which, lamenting the separation of her son, like a garland which had lost its loop, or water bursting into a downpour, or like a bunch of sinduvár flowers scattered or