भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ ३३
When the parents of Jamali found that all their speeches, arguments, allurements and threat's were of no use, they had no other alternative but to agree. They gave him permission to join the holy order of monks of Bhagavan Mahavira.
कोडु बियपुरिसे सहावेइ
तणं तस्स जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स पिया सोवित्ता एवं वयासी - खिप्पामेव भो देवाणुप्पिया ! खत्तियकुंडग्गामं णयरं सब्भिंतर बाहिरियं आसियसंमज्जिवलित्तं जहा उववाइए जाव... पच्चपिणंति । तएणं से जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स पिया दोच्चं पि विपुरिसे साइ सद्दावित्ता एवं वयासी - खिप्पामेव भो देवाणुप्पिया ! जमालिस खत्तियकुमारस्स महत्थं महग्घं महरिहं विपुलं णिक्खमणाभिसेयं agar | तणं ते कोडु बियपुरिसा तहेव जाव... . पच्चपिणंति । तएणं तं जमालि खत्तियकुमारं अम्मापियरो सीहासणवरंसि पुरत्थाभिमुहं णिसीयावेंति सियावेत्ता असणं सोवणियाणं कलसाणं एवं जहा रायप्पसेणइज्जे जाव... अट्ठसएणं भोमेज्जाणं कलसाणं सव्विड्ढिए जाव... महया रवेणं महया महा णिक्खमणाभिसे एणं अभिसिचंति ।
Thereafter, Jamali's father called his men and spoke unto them as follows : "Oh beloved of the gods! Quickly sprinkle water inside and outside the city of Ksatriyakunda, clean the ground with broomsticks, etc.," description as per the Aupapätika, till they came back and reported the due fulfilment of the order. Then Jamali's father spoke again unto them the following words, "Oh beloved of the gods ! Quickly do arrange for the farewell of our dear son prior to his exit to join the holy order in a very elaborate, grand, worthy and befitting manner.” When this was done, Jamāli's parents placed their son on a chair facing towards the east and completed the exit ritual with rich outpourings from 108 golden jars, till 108 earthen jars, with suitable utterances, as contained in the Rajapraśniya Sütra.
महया महया णिक्खमणाभिसेएणं अभिसिंचित्ता करयल जाव... .जएणं विजएणं वद्धावेति जएणं विजएणं वद्धावित्ता एवं वयासी—भण जाया ! किं देमो किं पयच्छामो किणा वा ते अट्ठो ? तएण से जमाली खत्तियकुमारे अम्मापय एवं वयासी - इच्छामि णं अम्मयाओ कुत्तियावणाओ रयहरणं