भगवती सूत्रम् सः ७ उः ९
पोग्गले परियाइत्ता विकुव्वइ णो ‘अण्णत्थगए पोग्गले जाव...विकुम्वइ। एवं एगवण्णं अणेगरूवं चउभंगो जहा छट्ठसए णवमे उद्देसए तहा इहा वि भाणियव्वं णवरं अणगारे इहगयं (ए) इहगए चेव पोग्गले परियाइत्ता विकव्वइ। सेसं तं चैव जाव...लुक्खपोग्गलं णिद्धपोग्गलत्ताए परिणामेत्तए । हंता पभू । से भंते ! किं इहगए पोग्गले परियाइत्ता जाव...णो अण्णत्थगए पोग्गले परियाइत्ता विकुव्वइ।
A. 142. Gautama ! He does so with matter from here but not with matter from there or elsewhere. In this way, he may assume one colour and many forms, (many colours and one form, many colours and many forms), and so on, four forms as stated in S. 6. U. 9. Exception to be especially noticed is that a monk from this world transforms with the help of matter from this world only. The rest as per reference, till is it possible to transform rough matter into a smooth one...is it possible to transform with the help of matter from this world, till does not transform with the help of matter from elsewhere.
(account of mahāśilākanțaka battle] प्रश्न १४३–णायमेयं अरहया सुयमेयं अरहया विण्णायमेयं अरया महासिलाकंटए संगामे । महासिलाकंटए णं भंते ! संगामे वट्टमाणे के जइत्या के पराजइत्था ?
Q. 143. The Arihanta ( Mahāvīra ) knows about it, has heard about it, has especially known about it. Bhante ! Which one of the two parties won the Mabāśilākanţaka battle, and which one of the two lost ?
उत्तर १४३-गोयमा! वज्जी विदेहपुत्ते जइत्था णव मल्लई णव लेच्छई कासीकोसलगा अट्ठारस वि गणरायाणो पराजइत्था। तए णं से कोणिए
राया महासिलाकंटकं संगामं उवटियं जाणित्ता कोडंबियपुरिसे सद्दावेइ सद्दावित्ता एवं वयासी :
खिप्पामेव भो देवाणुप्पिया ! उदाई हत्थिरायं पडिकप्पेह हयगयरहजोहकलियं चाउरंगिणिं सेणं सण्णाहेह सण्णाहेत्ता मम एयमाणत्तियं खिप्पामेव पच्चप्पिणह ।