छट्टो उद्देसो Chapter Six
[ bondage and experience of life-span ]
रायगिहे जाव...एवं वयासी : Venue : Rajagxha... made the following submission :
प्रश्न ८०-जीवे णं भंते ! जे भविए णेरइएसु उववज्जित्तए से णं भंते ! किं इहगए रइयाउयं पकरेति उववज्जमाणे णेरइयाउयं पकरेइ उववण्णे णेरड्याउयं पकरेइ ?
Q. 80. Bhante! A soul is fit to be born in hell. Does it acquire the span of infernal life right here in this world, or while it is in the process of being born in hell or after being born in hell ?
उत्तर ८०-गोयमा ! इहगए रइयाउयं पकरेइ णो उववज्जमाणे रइयाउयं पकरेइणो उववण्णे णेरइयाउयं पकरेइ। एवं असुरकुमारेसु वि । एवं जाव...वेमाणिएसु।
A. 80. Gautama ! A soul fit to be born in hell acquires the span of infernal life right here in this world, not while being born in hell, nor after being born in hell.
प्रश्न ८१-जीवे णं भंते ! जे भविए णेरइएसु उववज्जित्तए से णं भंते! किं इहगए णेरइयाउयं पडिसंवेदेइ उववज्जमाणे णेरइयाउयं पडिसंवेदेइ उववण्णे रइयाउयं पडिसंवेदेति ?
Q. 81. Bhante ! A soul is fit to be born in hell. Does it have the experience of infernal life right here in this world, or while being born in hell or after being born in hell ?
उत्तर ८१-गोयमा! णो इहगए रइयाउयं पडिसंवेदेइ उववज्जमाणे