भगवती सूत्रम् सः ७ २
सत्तेहिं पच्चक्खायमिति वयमाणस्स एवं अभिसमण्णागयं भवइ - इमे जीवा इमे अजीवा इमे तसा इमे थावरा तस्स णं सव्वपाणेहिं जाव... .. सव्वसत्तेहिं पच्चकुखायमिति वयमाणस्स सुपच्चक्खायं भवइ णो दुपच्चक्खायं भवइ । एवं खलु से सुपच्चक्खाई सव्वपाणेहिं जाव... सव्वसत्तेहिं पच्चक्खायमिति वयमाणे सच्चं भासं भासइ णो मोसं भासं भासइ । एवं खलु से सच्चवाई सव्वपाणेहिं जाव... सव्वसत्तेहिं तिविहं तिविहेणं संजयविरयपडिह्यपच्चक्खायपावकम्मे अकिरिए संबुडे एगंतपंडिए यावि भवइ । से तेणट्ठेणं गोयमा ! एवं बुच्चइ - जाव... सिय दुपच्चखायं भवइ ।
A. 25. Gautama ! In making a renunciation in the aforesaid manner, if the person concerned has no clear knowledge about life, non-life, mobile beings, immobile beings, then, this cannot be a good renunciation, but is just a bad one. In making a bad renunciation, he does not speak the truth, but indulges in falsehood. And the said person indulging in falsehood cannot be restrained in three modes and three instruments. He cannot be detached in any way. He has not stopped, nor renounced sinful activities. Full of physical effort and lacking a check on fresh karma inflow, he indulges in violence and is virtually a fool. In contrast, in uttering the aforesaid renunciation, if he is aware of the distinction between life and non-life, mobile beings and immobile beings, then his renunciation is good, not bad. In making a good renunciation, he speaks the truth, and not an untruth. Thus the person well-renounced and truthful is restrained in three modes and in three instruments. He is detached in all respects. He has stopped and renounced sinful activities. Devoid of physical effort and equipped with a check on fresh karma inflow, he is wholly prudent. Gautama ! This explains the point raised by you.
I types of renunciation ]
प्रश्न २६ – कइविहे णं भंते ! पच्चक्खाणे पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 26. Bhante ! How many types of renunciation are there ?