भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः ९
of a gross body, does he, or does he not, bondage of a fluid body ?
acquire the
उत्तर ३७६-गोयमा ! णो बंधए अबंधए ।
A. 376. Gautama ! He does not. He remains without
प्रश्न ३७७-आहारगसरीरस्स किं बंधए अबंधए ?
Q. 377. ...does he, or does he not, acquire the bondage of a caloric body ?
उत्तर ३७७-गोयमा ! णो बंधए अबंधए ।
____ A. 377. Gautama !
He does not.
He remains without
प्रश्न ३७८-तेयासरीरस्स कि बंधए अबंधए ?
Q. 378. ...does he, or does he not, acquire the bondage of a fiery body ?
उत्तर ३७८-गोयमा! बंधए णो अबंधए ।
A. 378. Gautama ! He does. He does not remain without it. I
- प्रश्न ३७९-जइ बंधए कि देसबंधए सव्वबंधए ?
Q. 379. Bhante ! If he does, then, is it a bondage of a part, or of the whole ?
उत्तर ३७९-गोयमा! देसबंधए णो सव्वबंधए ।
A. 379. Gautama ! Bondage of a part, not of the whole.