Bhagavati Stotra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
Q. 347. Bhante! How long is the time gap between the formation of one and another of the caloric bodies ?
उत्तर ३४७-गोयमा! सव्वबंधतरं जहणेणं अंतोमुहुत्तं उक्कोसेणं अणंतं कालं-अणंताओ उस्सप्पिणीओसप्पिणीओ कालओ खेत्तओ अणंता लोया—अवड्ढपोग्गलपरियट देसूणं । एवं देसबंधतरं पि ।
A. 347. Gautama ! For the bondage of the whole, the minimum time gap is less than a muhurta, and the maximum is an infinite time, an infinite number of downswings and upswings of the time-cycle ; in terms of space, an infinite space, slightly less than a pudgala-parāvartana. So also the time gap for the bondage of a part.
प्रश्न ३४८-एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं आहारगसरीरस्स देसबंधगाणं सव्वबंधगाणं अबंधगाणं य कयरे कयरेहिंतो जाव...विसेसाहिया वा ?
Q. 348. Bhante ! As between the bondage of the whole, of a part and no bondage, which one is less, till especially more ?
उत्तर ३४८-गोयमा ! सव्वत्योवा जीवा आहारगसरीरस्स सव्वबंधगा देसबंधगा संखेज्जगुणा अबंधगा अणंतगुणा ।
A. 348. Gautama ! Smallest in number are those with the bondage of the whole, a countable number of times more are those with the bondage of a part and an infinite times more are those with no bondage.
[ bondage due to the formation of a fiery body ]
प्रश्न ३४९-यासरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! कइविहे पण्णत्ते ।
Q. 349. Bhante ! How many are the types of bondage due to the formation of a fiery body ?