Bhagavati Sätra Bk. 8 Ch.9
. Q. 342. Bhante ! How many are the types of bendage due to a caloric body ?
उत्तर ३४२-गोयमा! एगागारे पण्णत्ते । A. 342. Gautama ! Only one.
प्रश्न ३४३-जई एगागारे पण्णत्ते कि मणुस्साहारगसरीरप्पमोगबंधे अमणुस्साहारगसरीरप्पओगबंधे?
Q. 343. Bhante ! If it be one, then is it due to the formation of a caloric body of a human being, or of a nonhuman being ?
उत्तर ३४३-गोयमा ! मणुस्साहारगसरीरप्पओगबंधे णो अमणुस्साहारगसरीरप्पओगबंधे। एवं एएणं अभिलावेणं जहा ओगाहणसंठाणे जाव... इड्ढिपत्तपमत्तसंजयसम्मदिपिज्जत्तसंखेज्जवासाउयकम्मभूमियगब्भवक्कंतियमणुस्साहारगसरीरप्पओगवंधे णोअणिढिपत्तपमत्त जाव...आहारगसरीरप्पओगबंधे।
A. 343. Gautama ! Only due to the formation of the caloric body of a human being, not that of a non-human being. For the rest, refer to the Chapter on Body Structure (in the Prajnāpana Sutra, Pada 21), till the bondage due to the formation of a caloric body takes place in the human type, with affluence attained, with infatuated-restraint, with right outlook, full attainments, with a countable number of years of life-span, born in the land of spiritual activity (karmabhumi), from the mother's womb, but not in a non-human type, etc., etc., and without affluence.
प्रश्न ३४४-आहारगसरीरप्पमोगबंधे णं भंते! उदएणं?
कस्स कम्मस्स
Q. 344. Bhante ! What karma leads to the bondage due to the formation of a caloric body ?