Bhagavati Sütra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
muhurta. The rest as aforesaid. Five-organ animals and human beings are similar to the air bodies. The Asurakumāras, Nāgakumāras, till the residents of the heaven called Sahasrāra are similar to the residents of the Ratnaprabhā hell, except that state the minimum stay in each case minus one muhurta.
प्रश्न ३३८-जीवस्स णं भंते ! आणयदेवत्ते णोआणयत्ते पुच्छा?
Q. 338. For one lodged in the heaven named Āņata, going to another species and reverting to Ānata how long is the time gap, pray ?
उत्तर ३३८-गोयमा ! सव्वबंधंतरं जहण्णेणं अट्ठारस सागरोवमाई वासपुहुत्तमब्भहियाई उककोसेणं अणंतं कालं-वणस्सइकालो। देसबंधतरं जहणणं वासपुहुत्तं उक्कोसणं अणंतं कालं-वणस्सइकालो। एवं जाव... अच्चुए णवरं जस्स जा ठिई सा सव्वबंधंतरं जहण्णेणं वासपुहुत्तमब्भहिया कायवा। सेसं तं चेव ।
A. 338. Gautama ! For the time gap of the bondage of the whole, the minimum is 18 sāgaropamas plus 2 to 9 years and the maximum is an infinite time, vanaspati-kāla. For the bondage of a part, tbe minimuin time gap is 2 to 9 years and the maximum is an infinite time, vanaspati-kāla. Likewise till the Acyuta, except that state the minimum stay in each case as it may be plus 2 to 9 years. The rest as aforesaid.
प्रश्न ३३९-गेवेज्जकप्पाईय पुच्छा ?
Q. 339. Bhante ! What about those living in Graiveyaka vimanas beyond the kalpas ?
उत्तर ३३९-गोयमा! सब्वबंधतरं जहण्णेणं बावीसं सागरोवमाई वासपुहुत्तमब्भहियाई उक्कोसेणं अणंतं कालं-वणस्सइकालो। देसबंधंतरं जहण्णेणं वासपुहुत्तं उक्कोसेणं वणस्सइकालो।
A. 339 Gautama ! In this case, for the bondage of the