Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch.9
उत्तर ३२९-गोयगा! देसबंधे वि सव्व बंधे वि। वाउका इयएगिंदिय..... एवं चेव रयणप्पभापुढविणेरइया एवं चेव एवं जाव...अणुत्तरोववाइया।
A.329. Gautama ! It may bea bondage of a part, and a bondage of the whole. This holds good of the air bodies, till the Anutiaraupapātika gcds.
प्रश्न ३३०-बेउब्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! कालओ केवच्चिरं होइ ?
Q. 330. Bhante ! How long does this bondage due to the formation of a fluid body last ?
उत्तर ३३०-गोयमा ! सव्वबंधे जहण्णेणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेणं दो समया ! देसबंधे जहण्णेणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेणं तेत्तीसं सागरोवमाई समयऊणाई।
A. 330. Gautama ! For the bondage of the whole, the minimum is a unit of countable time and the maximum is two units of such time. For the bondage of a part, the minimum is one unit of countable time and the maximum is 33. sägaro pamas less a unit such of time.
प्रश्न ३३१-वाउक्काइय एगिंदियवेउब्विय-पुच्छा ?
Q. 331. Bhante ! How long does the bondage due to the formation of a fluid body last in the case of air bodies with a single sense organ ?
उत्तर ३३१-गोयमा! सव्वबंधे एक्कं समयं देसबंधे जहण्णेणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेणं अंतोमुहुत्तं ।
A. 331. Gautama ! The bondage of the whole lasts for a unit of countable time. And so far as the bondage of a part is concerned, the minimum is a unit of countable time and the maximum is less than a muhürta.