Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
bondage of the whole is similar to that of one-organ beings, and for the bondage of a part, it is one unit of countable time in the minimum and three units of countable time in the maximum. Leaving aside air bodies, what has been stated about earth bodies will hold good of all beings, till the fourorgan beings, except that in the case of the bondage of the whole, the time gap is as long as the normal life-span in each species plus a unit of countable time. In the case of the air bodies, the time gap for the bondage of the whole is the smallest life-span as air bodies less three units of countable time in the minimum and 3,000 years plus a unit of countable time in the maximum ; the time gap for the bondage of a part is a unit of countable time in the minimum. and less than a muhurta in the maximum.
प्रश्न ३१९-पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियओरालिय पुच्छा ?
Q. 319. Bhante ! How long is the time gap between one bondage and another of the gross body in the case of sub-human beings ?
उत्तर ३१९-सव्वबंधंतरं जहण्णणं खुडागभवग्गहणं तिसमयऊणं उक्कोसेणं पुव्वकोडी समयाहिया। देस बंधंतरं जहा एगिंदियाणं तहा पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियाणं । एवं मणुस्साणं वि णिरवसेस भाणियव्वं जाव... उक्कोसेणं अंतोमहत्तं ।
A. 319. Gautama ! In their case, the time gap for the bondage of the whole is as long as the smallest life-span for each species minus three units less of countable time in the minimum and one pūrvakoti plus a unit of countable time in the maximum. The time gap for the bondage of a part for the five-organ sub-human beings is similar to that of oneorgan beings. The same also holds good of human beings, till less than a muhúrta in the maximum,
प्रश्न ३२०–जीवस्स णं भंते ! एगिदियत्ते णोएगिदियत्ते पुणरवि. एगिदियत्ते एगिदियओरालियसरीरप्पओगबंधतरं कालओ केवच्चिरं होइ.?.