Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
Q. 289. And what is the type of bondage due to outcome ?
उतर २८९-परिणामपच्चइए जं णं अब्भाणं अब्भरुक्खाणं जहा तइयसए जाव...अमोहाणं परिणामपच्चइए णं बंधे समुप्पज्जइ जहण्णणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेण छम्मासा । से तं परिणामपच्चइए। से तं साईयवीससाबंधे । से त्तं वीससाबंधे।
A. 289. Gautama ! This you will find in the case of clouds, abhrabrksa, till amogha (which appears at sun-rise and sun-set) as stated in S.3.U.7., and all these have bondage due to transformation which lasts for less than a muhúrta in the minimum, and six months in the maximum. Such is bondage due to outcome. This much on spontaneous bondage.
प्रश्न २९०-से किं तं पओगबंधे ?
Q. 290. bondage ?
Pray, what is it that is called an acquired
उत्तर २९०-पओगबंधे निविहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-अणाइय, वा अपज्जवसिए साइए वा अपज्जवसिए साईए वा सपज्जवसिए । तत्थ णं जे से अणाइए अपज्जवसिए से णं अट्ठण्हं जीवमज्झपएसाणं तत्थ वि णं तिण्हं तिण्हं अणाइए अपज्जवसिए सेसाणं साईए । तत्थ णं जे से साईए अपज्जवसिए से णं सिद्धाणं । तत्थ णं जे से साईए सपज्जवसिए से णं चउविहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-आलावणबंधे अल्लियावणबंधे सरीरबंधे सरीरप्पओगबंधे ।
___A. 290. Gautama ! Acquired bondage has been stated to be of three types, viz., without a beginning and without an end, wth a beginning and without an end and with a beginning and with an end. Of these, acquired bondage without a beginning and without an end takes place in the case of eight space-points in the middle part of a living body, Of these eight spa e-points, the bondage between groups of