Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 8
Q. 279. Bhante 1 What about those who are beyond the Mānusottara mou itains ?
उत्तर २७९-जहा जीवाभिगमे ।
A. 279. As stated in the Jivābhigama Sūtra.
प्रश्न २८०-जाव...इंदट्ठाणे णे भंते ! केवइयं कालं उववाएणं विरहिए पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 280. Bhante ! What is the duration of the vacancy to the seat of Indra ?
उत्तर २८०-गोयमा! जहण्णणं एक्कं समयं उक्कोसेणं छम्मासा ।
A. 280. Gautama! A unit of recountable time in the minimum, and six monihs in the maximum,
-सेवं भंते !
सेवं भंते !
---Bhante ! So they are. You are right.
अट्ठमो उद्देसो समत्तो। Chapter Eight ends.