Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 5
lac, hair, liquor and other drinks, opium and other intoxicants, oil press and other pressing machines, castration, lighting wild fire for deforestation, removal of water from lake, tank and pool and running immoral traffic in women. The followers of the śramana path become pure and sanctified by practising VOWS, restraining from these activities and then, having worthily lived their life on this earth, they find a worthy place in one of the heavens.
प्रश्न २०७-कइविहा णं भते ! देवलोगा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 207. Bhante ! How many are the abodes of the
gods ?
उत्तर २०७-गोयमा ! चउव्विहा देवलोगा पण्णत्ता त जहा-भवणवासी वाणमंतरा जोइसिया वेमाणिया।
A. 207. Gautama ! They are four, viz., those for the Bhavanapatis, Vāņavyantaras, Jyotişkas and Vaimāņikas.
- Ha! Ha ! fall -Bhante ! So they are. You are right.
पंचमो उद्देसो समत्तो Chapter Five ends,