पढमो उद्देसो तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं जाव...एवं वयासी :
Chapter One
[ timing of intake ] In that period, at that time, Indrabhuti Gautama raised the following question :
प्रश्न १-जीवे णं भंते ! के समयं अणाहारए भवइ ?
Q. 1. Bhante ! When does a soul (when moving on to its next birth) remain without food ?
उत्तर १-गोयमा ! पढमे समए सिय आहारए सिय अणाहारए। विइए समए सिय आहारए सिय अणाहारए। तइए समए सिय आहारए सिय अणाहारए। चउत्थे समए णियमा आहारए। एवं दंडओ। जीवा य एगिदिया य चउत्थे समए। सेसा तइए समए। A. 1. Gautama ! In the first unit of countable time (samaya), it is sometimes with food and sometimes without it ; so in the second unit of countable time ; and so again in the third unit ; but in the fourth unit, as a rule, it takes food. The same applies to all the (twentyfour) species. Minute forms of life, including those with one organ of sense, take food in the fourth unit of countable time, the rest in the third unit.
प्रश्न २-जीवे णं भंते ! के समयं सव्वप्पाहारए भवइ ?
Q. 2. Bhante! When does a soul hak the smallest intake of food ?
उत्तर २-गोयमा! पढमसमयोववण्णए वा चरमसमए भवत्थे वा एत्थ णं जीवे सव्वप्पाहारए भवइ। दंडओ भाणियव्वो जाव...वेमाणियाणं।