Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 2
उत्तर १०४---जहा सिद्धा । A. 104. They are like the perfected beings (see 101),
प्रश्न १०५-सकाइया णं भंते ! जीवा किं णाणी बण्णाणी?
Q. 105. Bhante ! Are the living beings with a body endowed with knowledge, or with non-knowledge ?
उत्तर १०५-गोयमा! पंच णाणाणि तिण्णि अणाणाइं भयणाए। पुढविक्काइया जाव...वणस्सइकाइया णो णाणी अण्णाणी णियमा दुअण्णाणि तं जहा-मइअण्णाणी य सुयअण्णाणी य। तसकाइया जहा सकाइया ।
A. 105. Gautama ! Upto five types of knowledge and three of non-knowledge. Earth bodies, till plant life, are not endowed with knowledge, but with non-knowledge, and these are, as a rule, two, viz., perceptual and scriptural. Mobile beings are like those with a body.
प्रश्न १०६-अकाइया णं भंते ! जीवा किं णाणी...?
Q. 106. Bhante ! with knowledge, etc. ?
Are those without a body endowed
उत्तर १०६-जहा सिद्धा।
A, 106. They are like the perfected beings (see 101).
प्रश्न १०७-सुहमा णं भंते ! जीवा किं णाणी...?
Q. 107. Bhante ! Are the minute beings (i.e., diminutive form of life) endowed with knowledge, etc. ?
उत्तर १०७-जहा पुढविक्काइया।
A. 107.
They are like the earth bodies.