Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 2
Q.78. Bhante! If there are poisonous beings among the Bhavanavāsīs, are they to be found among Asurakumāras, till Stanitkumāras ?
उत्तर ७८-गोयमा ! असुरकुमारभवणवासिदेवकम्मआसीविसे जाव...थणियकुमार जाव...कम्मआसीविसे वि ।
A. 78. Gautama ! They exist among all categories, from Asurakumāras, till Stanitkumāras.
प्रश्न ७९-जइ असुरकुमार जाव...कम्मआसीविसे किं पज्जत्तमसुरकुमारभवणवासिदेवकम्मआसीविसे अपज्जत्तअसुरकुमार जाव...कम्मआसीविसे ?
Q. 79. Bhante ! Are these Asurakumāras with poison due to karma with full attainments, or without full attainments ?
उत्तर ७९-गोयमा ! णो पज्जत्तअसुरकुमार जाव...कम्मआसीविसे अपज्जत्तअसुरकुमार जाव...कम्ममासीविसे । एवं जाव...थणियकुमाराणं ।
A. 79, Gautama ! Not with full attainments, but without full attainments, and like this will Stanitkumāras,
__ प्रश्न ८०-जइ वाणमंतरदेवकम्मआसीविसे किं पिसायवाणमंतरदेवकम्मासीविसे...?
Q. 80. Bhante ! If there are poisonous beings among the Vyantaras, are they the pisāca type, et seg ?
उत्तर ८०-एवं सव्वेसिं अपज्जत्तगाणं जोइसियाणं सव्वेसिं अपज्जत्तगाणं।
___A. 80. Gautama ! They include all the species of the Vyaộtaras starting with the pişācās with poison due to karma but without full attainments ;. and so also the Jyotiskas, all without full attaiments.
प्रश्न ८१-जइ वेमाणियदेवकम्मआसीविसे कि कप्पोवगवेमाणियदेवकम्मआसीविसे कप्पाईयवेमाणियदेवकम्मआसीविसे ?