Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 2
उत्तर ७३ - गोयमा ! णो णेरइयकम्मआसी विसे । तिरिक्खजोणियकम्मआसोविसे वि मणुस्तकम्मआसीविसे वि देवकम्मआसीविसे वि ।
A. 73. Gautama ! There are the animal, human and divine types, but not the infernal type of poisonous beings by karma.
प्रश्न ७४ – जइ तिरिक्खजोणियकम्मआसीविसे किं एगिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियकम्मआसीविसे जाव... पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियकम्मआसीविसे ?
Q. 74. Bhante! So far as the animal type goes, are they with one organ of sense, till five organs ?
उत्तर ७४—गोयमा ! णो एगिंदियतिरिक्ख जोणिय कम्मआसीविसे जाव... णो चउरिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियकम्म आसीविसे । पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियकम्म
मासीविसे ।
A. 74. Gautama ! There are no poisonous beings by karma among one, two, three or four-organ animals, but only among five-organ animals.
प्रश्न ७५ - जइ पंचिं दियतिरिक्खजोणियकम्मआसीविसे किं संमुच्छिमपंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियकम्मआसीविसे गब्भवक्कं तियपं चिंदियतिरिक्ख जोणियकम्मआसी विसे ?
Q. 7. Bhante ! If there are poisonous beings by karma only among the five-organ animals, are they born without mating or from the mother's womb ?
उत्तर ७५ – एवं जहा वेउव्वियसरीरस्स भेओ जाव... पज्जत्तसंखेज्जवासाउयगब्भवक्कंतियपंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियकम्मआसीविसे णो संखेज्जवासाउय जाव... कम्मआसी विसे ।
A. 75. Gautama ! Repeat what has been stated the Prajñāpanā Sutra, Pada 21 on Fluid Body, till there are poisonous beings by karma among the five-organ animals born from the mother's womb with a life-span limited and countable in years, and with full attainments but never