( xi )
Followers, belongings 185 ; transgression of a
Śrāvaka's vow 187. CHAPTER Six
194 Merit in offering pure and right food 194 ; what is it that is burning in a lamp 200 ; on relative
activities 201. CHAPTER SEVEN
206 A dialogue between senior monks and heretics
206 ; flow of movement 212. CHAPTER EIGHT
214 On adversaries 214 ; on behaviour 216 ; on bondage 217 ; on karma and hardship 223 ; the sun and
sun-shine 228. CHAPTER NINE
234 On bondage again 234 ; body-type bondage 241 ; bondage due to the formation of a fluid body 252 ; bondage due to the formation of a fiery body 263 ; bondage due to the formation of a karman body
266 ; correlation between the bondage of bodies 273. CHAPTER TEN
280 On devotion to conduct and canons 280 ; devotion and devotee 281 ; last life of a devotee 283 ; on transformation of matter 285 ; space-points of matter 286 ; karma bondage of the soul 288. NOTES ON BOOK EIGHT
299 Word Index