भगवती सूत्रम् स: ७
it is known very thoroughly, it is logasannā, hence synonymous with jñana.
139. Ahākamma- Bad deeds done by a monk, such as, rendering live objects lifeless, cooking live things, building a house or weaving cloth. Similarly, anything which is done for a monk is also āhākamma. A monk accepting such a thing violates the code of conduct. Cf.
आधया साधुप्रणिधानेन यत्सचेतनमचेतनं क्रियते अचेतनं वा पच्यते चीयते वा गृहादिकं वयते वा वस्त्रादिकम् तदाधाकर्म ।
142. According to the commentator, ihagaye means of this world' where the monk is, tatthagaye means "the other world' where the monk is to go and annatthagaye refers to any other place apart from these two.
143. The background of the Mahasilākantaka battle is as follows: After the death of Sreņika Bimbisāra, his son Konika Ajātaśatru shifted his capital from Rājagțha to Champa and began to live there. One of his younger brothers was Vihalla. During his life-time, Śreņika had bestowed on Vihalla a fragrant elephant and an eighteenfold necklace named Bankachuda. Vihalla used to go to the bank of the Ganga with his harem on the back of this elephant and enjoyed bath there. This became a talk of the city, víz., that Vihalla was the person who was having the real enjoyment of the worldly life. When Queen Padmāyati, the consort of Konika, heard this became immensely jealous. She desired that t should requisition this elephant from his brother and give it to her. Vihalla agreed to part with his possession only when he would get a due share in the parental kingdom. This was too much of a condition for the king to accept. Under the circumstances, condidering that he would be too helpless at the palace, Vihalla fled to take shelter with his maternal grand-parent, King Cetaka of Vaiśāli. When Konika came to know of this, he demanded the immediate restoration of his brother.