भगवती सूत्रम् सः ७
सण्हा य सुद्ध बालु य मणोस्सिला सक्कराय खरपुढवी । इग बार चोद्दस सोलढार बावीससयसहस्सा ॥
They are sañhā or ślakşņa, pure earth, sand, rock, ordinary soil and alkaline soil. The maximum stay of a soul in these forms, in proper order, are one, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen and twenty-two thousand years. For the infernal and the heavenly beings, the minimum stay is ten thousand years and the maximum is 33 sägaras. In human and subhuman life, the minimum stay is less than a muhurta and the maximum may be as long as three palyopamas. For details, Chapter on Sthitipada in the Prajñāpana Stra,
Nillevaņa signifies the state of vacancy when in a particular species, there is no soul at a particular time. Such a vacancy may exist in earth, water, air and fire bodies. It takes place over innumerable phases of the upswing and the downswing of the time-cycle, though the time-span on the side of the maximum is much more than that on the side of the minimum. Plant life is so varied that in their case, the state of vacancy never arises. The state of vacancy in the case of mobile beings may be over a hundred sägaropamas both in the minimum and the maximum, the latter being invariably more than the former. On activities, the heretics hold that a living being may simultaneouly indulge in right and wrong activities. This is not correct. A living being may indulge in one activity at a time, but never two. For details, Chapter Two of the Jivābhigama Sutra
79. The compound yoņi-samgraha has two words, viz., yoņi which is the source of birth and samgraha their plurality. Some birds are born from eggs, others are born with the foetus and still others are born without mating by the parents.