Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 7.
अहाकम्मुद्देसिय पूइकम्मे य मीसजाए य। ठवणा पाहुडियाए पाओयर कीय पामिच्चे ॥१ परियटिए अभिहडे अन्भिण्णे मालोहडे इय। अच्छिज्जे अणिसिढे अज्झोयरए य सोलस ॥२
To be specific, they are :
(1) ahākamma- To render food free from live objects for the use of a monk or to cook food for a monk with a view to make it free from live objects
(2) udde siyam To cook more than what is necessary for the household.
(3) puikamma-To mix with impure food.
(4) misajāye-To cook food for the household as well as for the monk.
(5) thavana-To keep aside some food for the monk.
(6) pāhudiya-To change the date of a feast to suit the presence of a monk.
(7) pãoyara–To lit a candle to procure food from some dark corner of the store.
(8) kiya-To buy for a monk. (9) påmicca-To buy something on credit for a monk.
(10) pariyaftiye-To exchange something for the sake of a monk.
(11) abhihada-To fetch for a monk.
(12) abbhinna-To remove the lead (from a bottle) to make an offer.
(13) mälohada-To undergo pain to bring food down from the shelf,
(14) acchijje-To spatch from a weaker person, a servant or a child, to make an offer to a monk.
(15) anisittha-To make an offer without the knowledge of a co-owner or co-owners.
(16) ajjhoyara-To add more food to the cookiog vessel on receipt of the information that a monk is on his way to beg food.