भगवती सूत्र शः ३ उ: ३
[ time taken by infatuated-restrained, etc.]
प्रश्न ८२ - पत्तसंजयस्स णं भंते ! वि य णं पमत्तद्धा कालओ केवच्चिरं होइ ?
पमत्तसंजमे वट्टमाणस्स सव्वा
उत्तर ८२ - मंडियपुत्ता ! एगजीवं पडुच्च जहणेणं एक्कं समयं उक्को - सेणं देसूणा पुव्वकोडी । णाणाजीवे पडुच्च सव्वद्धा ।
प्रश्न ८३ - अप्पमत्तसंजयस्स णं भंते ! अप्पमत्तसंजमे वट्टमाणस्स सव्वा वि णं अप्पमत्तद्धा कालओ केवच्चिरं होइ ?
उत्तर ८३ - मंडियपुत्ता ! एगजीवं पडुच्च जहणणेणं अंतोमुहुत्तं उक्कोसेणं देसूणा पुव्वकोडी । णाणाजीवे सव्वद्धं ।
Q. 82. Bhante ! Of one who is an infatuated-restrained, who is fixed in restraint with infatuation, what is the duration of such restraint with infatuation?
A. 82. Manditaputra ! For a single soul, the minimum is one time-unit, and the maximum is more than a pūrva-koți (a very very long period). For many souls, all-time.
Q. 83. Bhante ! Of one who is non-infatuated-restrained, who is fixed in restraint without infatuation, what is the duration of his restraint with non-infatuation ?
A. 83. Manditaputra ! As for a single soul, the minimum is less than 48 minutes and the maximum is less than a pūrva-koti. For many souls, all time.
सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते! त्ति भगवं गोयमे मंडियपुत्ते अणगारे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदइ णमंसइ वंदित्ता णमंसित्ता संजमेणं तवसा अप्पाणं भावेमाणे विहरइ ।
Bhante! So they are. Glory be to the Lord!
So saying, Bhagavan Maṇḍitaputra paid homage and obeisance to Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvira, and having paid his homage and obeisance, he withdrew to his seat.