Word Index Bk. III
359 svojuftaefent-running after. (58) 3TTTTTTT faffer-activities of one who is unrenounced. (68) apuraha-in a different form. (129) 37301747-unknown. (146) Spa H56-of the self-restrained. (81) 379fTt2T-covetous of death. (57) Bufafaq-without injury. (65) 379679771-without taking. (104) 34fcatfootor—without their request rejected. (18) 399FT1-without omission, complete. (7) 379&ant--reply without question. (7) 3TOET-cheap. (149) 304787a-3770-37**f4772-decorating the body with light
but precious jewellery. (17) 3pcg5—without anxiety. (57) 3TCHT, 35467a1-some hea venly phenomenon. (146) trafafes-not to be perfected in this life. (33) 37f7TTE-Vow, resolve. (17) 3762757 For Fiy—to be transformed or changed. (120) 37fHoraui-as per statement. (87) afyoti - come to (thy) presence, to be at one's beck
and call. (11) Brf H-anger, rage. (57)
fatf-free from deceit. (125) 3749sfg-in a vat or cauldron. (81) SPOMT-from mines. (149) BTTTTTJAT-ATT-(spokes) aftixed at the axle of a wheel. (3) Briataeta-with robes as clean and pure as the
sky. (15) Tataara-to fill, cover or swarm with. (3) TACCHM--not enagaging. (81) 37137t-control. (57)