Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 5 Ch. 4
जेसु आगासपएसेसु हत्थं वा जाव...चिट्ठ।। णो णं पभू केवली सेयकालंसि वि तेसु चेव जाव...चिठित्तए । से तेणठेणं जाव...वुच्चइ-केवली णं अस्सिं समयंसि जेसु आगासपएसेसु जाव...चिट्ठइ णो णं पभू केवली सेयकालसि वि तेसु चेव आगासपएसेसु हत्थं वा जाव...चिट ठित्तए ।
Q. 80. Does an omniscient who occupies the pradeśas of the space by the movement of his hands and feet, his arms and knees at the present time continue to occupy the same pradeśas of the space in the future by the movement of his hands and other limbs ?
A. 80. Gautama ! This is not correct.
Q. 81. Bhante! What is the reason for this....till in the same pradeśas of the space ?
A. 81. Gautama ! (The conscious substance or the soul) of the omniscient is endowed with energy and activity because of which the limbs move. Now, the pradeśas of the space which are occupied by the movement of hands and other limbs at the present time are not the same as the pradeśas of the space that may be occupied in future by the movement of hands,...till limbs, because of which it is stated that the pradeśas of the sky which are occupied at the present time by the movement of hands...till limbs are not the same as the pradeśas of the sky that may be occupied in the future by the movement of hands,...till limbst".
Fability of the masters of 14 Purvas ] प्रश्न ८२-पभू णं भंते ! चोद्दसपुव्वी घडाओ घडसहस्सं पडाओ पडसहस्सं कडाओ कडसहस्सं रहाओ रहसहस्सं छत्ताओ छत्तसहस्सं दंडाओ दंडसहस्सं अभिणिव्वट टेत्ता उवदंसेत्तए ?
उत्तर ८२-हंता पभू ।
प्रश्न ८३-से केणट ठेणं पभू चउद्दसपुथ्वी जाव...उवदसेत्तए ? 12