Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 1 Ch. 3
Couplet : Acquisition, absorption, assimilation,
Bringing up, suffering, exhaustionFirst three take four forms each, Last three take only three.
[ on suffering from delusion of faith ] प्रश्न ११७-जीवा णं भंते! कंखामोहणिज्ज कम्मं वेदेति ?
उत्तर ११७-हंता गोयमा! वेदेति।
प्रश्न ११८-कह णं भंते! जीवा कंखामोहणिज्ज कम्मं वेदेति ?
उत्तर ११८-गोयमा! तेहिं तेहिं कारणेहिं संकिया कंखिया वितिगिछिया भेदसमावन्ना कलुससमावन्ना एवं खलु जीवा कंखामोहणिज्ज कम्मं वेदेति।
प्रश्न ११९-से गूणं भंते ! तमेव सच्चं णीसंकं जं जिणेहिं पवेइयं ? उत्तर ११९-हंता गोयमा ! तमेव सच्चं णीसंकं जं जिणेहिं पवेइयं ।
प्रश्न १२० से णुणं भंते! एवं मणं धारेमाणे एवं पकरेमाणे एवं चिठेमाणे एवं संवरेमाणे आणाए आराहए भवइ ?
उत्तर १२०-हंता गोयमा ! एवं मणं धारेमाणे जाव...भवइ ।
Q. 117. Bhante ! Do the living beings suffer from deluding karma ?
A. 117. Yes, Gautama ! They do suffer.
Q. 118. Bhante ! How do the living beings suffer from faithdeluding karma ?
A. 118. Gautama ! They suffer from faith-deluding karma for diverse causes that fix them in doubt, in desire for some other faith, in wavering, split understanding and spite75.
Q. 119. Bhante ! Is that which is propounded only by a Jina true and beyond doubt ?