Maat 77 T: ? 3: ?
A. 79. Gautama ! This is not necessarily so.
Q. 80. Bhante ! Why so ?
A. 80. Gautama ! The infernal beings are of three types. They are : those with right outlook, those with wrong outlook and those with mixed outlook. Of these, those who have a right outlook, they are involved in four types of (sinful) activities, viz., activities arising out of endeavour, out of possession, out of deceit and out of non-abstinence. Those with a wrong outlook have five types of (sinful) activities (starting with) those arising out of endeavour, and so on,...till activities arising out of a perverted faith. The same (i.e., five activities) with those with a mixed outlook. Hence so, Gautama... 56.
Q. 81. Bhante ! Do all infernal beings have the same lifespan and simultaneous genesis ?
A. 81. Gautama ! This is not necessarily so.
Q. 82. Bhante ! Why so ?
A. 82. Gautama ! The infernal beings are of four types. They are: with same-span, simultaneous-genesis, with samespan, non-simultaneous-genesis, with dissimilar-span, simultaneous-genesis and with dissimilar-span non-simultaneousgenesis57. Hence so, Gautama... 58.
[ on intake by asurakumāras59 ]
प्रश्न ८३-असुरकुमारा णं भंते ! सव्वे समाहारा समसरीरा ?
उत्तर ८३-जहा नेरइया तहा भाणियव्वा नवरं-कम्म-वण्ण-लेस्साओ परिववण्णेयव्वाओ-पुव्वोववण्णगा महाकम्मतरागा अविसुद्धवण्णतरागा अविसुद्धलेसतरागा। पच्छोववण्णगा पसत्था । सेसं तहेव । एवं जाव...थणियHTC
Q. 83. Bhante ! Do all the Asurakumāras have the same intake, same physical dimensions ?