Bhagavati Sūtra
TEFTFIS-inner thoughts, secrets. (18, P. 157)
auto-poriaan--with auspicious marks, signs and traits.
(18, P.159) go-basbful, simple. (18, P. 168) &COT-one who has obtained the meaning of the
Sūtra. (34, P. 188) 519-the sphere. (68)
CHI-of the same expansiveness as the sphere. (68) 1945-(it) touches the sphere. (68) STÄT-replica of the sphere. (68)
TOTTTTÀ-sky of the sphere. (65)
fa-are born. (47) 97-755-famiąg—of the shape of excellent thunder. (51,
P. 206) che-death due to too much restlessness caused
by submission to sense organs. (18, P. 163)) arrus-worthy of explanation/exposition. (36, P. 194) fashifa--are destroyed, die. (47) fashTUATT–discarding. (34, P. 192) fapier-radius. (51, P. 206) fadecf54-fagss-FTYTUTT-much food and drink was prepared
in their homes. (34, P. 188) fafurfagsugot-one who has determined by going deep into
it. (34, P. 188) fafa fitfagr—uncertainty as to whether the reply would
satisfy the enquirer. (18, P. 153) fants extended. (51, P. 206) facqueta—by discarding, by giving up. (12) faciiTourTinfinite categories of avadhi ignorance. (64) facet nis--one who regularly/daily takes food. (18, P. 159)