Notes Bk. I
or a human being has completed his life-span in that existence and is assigned to an infernal life, even on his way to the hell, he is to be treated as an infernal being. In other words, from the moment he is out from the existence of an animal or a human being, he is virtually an infernal, who is to be born in the hell. The consideration is about this type of infernal being.
145. 'Desa' (part) is a fraction, and so is 'addha' (half). The difference then is that whereas addha is a particular fraction, viz., one-half, desa may be any fraction, half, two-third, and so on.
146. Eight forms for 'part' and 'whole' may be stated as follows:
(i) taking birth; (ii) intake while taking birth; (iii) moving out ; (iv) intake while moving out ; (v) has taken birth; (vi) intake while has taken birth ; (vii) has moved out ; (viii) intake while has moved out.
Likewise, eight forms for 'half' and 'whole', giving a total of 16 forms.
147. Aviggahagai" means straight movement, as also absence of any movement, when the soul is in a particular form of existence.
148. As he is going to an inferior existence, hence shame, etc.
149. Objective sense-organs are made of matter and have two parts called nirvrtti (external shape) and upakarana (their auxiliary parts). Subjective sense-organs too have two parts, viz., labdhi (power) and upayoga (cognition). Objective organs exist with the body only, but subjective organs exist with the soul even when the body is given up.