Bhagavati Sütra
Right outlook-four activities, viz.,endeavour, possession,
deceit and non-abstinence ; Wrong outlook-five activities, viz., above four plus
wrong faith ; Mixed outlook-five activities.
Elsewhere we have :
mithyādarśanăviratipramada-kaşāya-yogāḥ bandhahetavaḥ
[Wrong faith, non-restraint, carelessness, passions and activities (yoga) are the causes of bondage.]
The above has no conflict with the text here. For, 'activities includes endeavour, and carelessness is with all. The remaining three items, viz., wrong faith, non-restraint and passions are common to both.
57. Four types based on life-span and genesis have been distinguished which are as follows :
(i) same span, simultaneous genesis, e.g., those with
a life-span of, say, 10,000 years, and born at the
same time ; (ii) same span, non-simultaneous genesis, e.g., those
with a life-span of 10,000 years, but some having
been born earlier than others ; (iii) dissimilar span, simultaneous genesis, i.e., those
born at the same time but with dissimilar life-spans, some being assigned a longer duration of stay than
others; (iv) dissimilar span, non-simultaneous genesis. i.e.,
when nothing is common.
58. To recapitulate from Q. 69 till Q. 80, the discussion on infernal beings started with the consideration of two items, which was raised to three and then to four as follows: