Bhagavati Sutra
38. Minimum is stated to be less than 48 minutes and maxi. mum 12 years.
39. For three-organ beings, minimum life-span is less than 48 minutes and maximum 49 day-nights.
For four-organ beings minimum life-span is less than 48 minutes and maximum six months.
40. Minimum less than 48 minutes and maximum 3 palyoPamas.
41. Minimum 10,000 years and maximum one palyopama.
42. Minimum an eighth fraction of a palyopama and maxiinum 1,00,000 years.
43. The word abirai in the Sütra is important, as it throws light on one of the Jaina sanctions. According to it, it is not enough that one is habitually restrained. What is important is that he must formally renounce. If he does not, then the possibility of his transgressing the restraint remains open and the fellow cannot be deemed to be wholly restrained.
44. Presented in a tabular form, it looks as follows :
Living beings
pious activities
impious activities