Hadit F 3:7 3: 80
Q. 65. Bhante ! How many have been stated to be the sky types ?
A. 65. Gautama ! The sky types have been stated to be two, which are, sky of the spheres and sky of the nonsphere.
Q. 66. Bhante ! Does the sky of the spheres shelter the souls ? The deśas of the souls ? The pradeśas of the soul ? Non-souls? The deśas of the non-souls? The pradeśas of the non-souls45 ?
A. 66. Gautama ! The sky of the spheres shelters souls, their deśas, their pradeśas ; it shelters non-souls, their dešas, their pradeśas. Of these, souls are, as a rule, with one organ of sense, with two, three, four and five organs, and those without any sense organ. The jiva-deśas are, as a rule, with one organ of sense...till without any sense organ. The jīva-pradeśas are, with one organ of sense...till without any sense organ. Non-souls are of two types, which are, those with shape, and those without shape. Those with shape, again, are of four types, which are, skandha, skandha-deśa, skandhapradeśa and paramāņu-pudgala46. Those without shape are of five types47, which are, dharmästikäya but not the deśas of dharmāstikāya, pradeśas of dharmastikāya, adharmastikāya but not the deśas of adharmastikaya, pradeśas of adharmăstikäya, and time called addha-samaya48.
Q. 67. Bhante ! Does the sky of the non-sphere shelter souls...(repeat as before) ?
A. 67. Gautama ! It does not...till no pradeśas of non-souls (are to be found there). It is a deśa of non-live object, nonheavy-light, endowed with infinite non-heavy-light traits, and is total sky minus its infinite portions.
[ more on dharmastikaya ]
प्रश्न ६८-धम्मत्थिकाए णं भंते ! के महालए पण्णत्ते ?