भगवती सूत्र शः २ उः १
चउव्विहा सिद्धी पण्णत्ता तं जहा-दव्वओ खेत्तओ कालओ भावओ। दव्वओ णं एगा सिद्धी सअंता। खेत्तओ णं सिद्धी पणयालीसं जोयणसयसहस्साई आयामविक्खंभेणं एगा जोयणकोडी बायालीसं च जोयणसयसहस्साई तीसं च जोयणसहस्साई दोण्णि य अउणापन्नजोयणसए किंचि विसेसाहिए परिक्खेवेणं अस्थि पुण से अंते । कालओ णं सिद्धी न कयाइ न आसी। भावओ य जहा लोयस्य तहा भाणियव्वा । तत्थ दव्वओ सिद्धी सअंता खेत्तओ सिद्धी सअंता कालओ सिद्धी अणंता भावओ सिद्धी अणंता ।
And then, oh Skandaka, you have in your mind,...till whether the abode of the perfected souls is with limit or without limit. On this I ordain, oh Skandaka, that the abode of the perfected souls is to be viewed from four angles, viz., subtatance, place, time and bhāva. As to substance, this abode of the perfected souls is one and with limit. As. to place, this abode of the perfected souls extends over an area of 45,00,000 yojanas in length and so also in breadth, and with a circumference which is 142,30,249 hundred-thousand yojanas more or less, but still with limit. As to time, there was no time, nor there will be any, when the abode of the perfected souls did not, does not and will not, exist. As to bhāva, the same as with the spheres. So you see, the abode of the perfected souls is, as to substance, with limit as to place, with limit ; as to time, without limit ; and as to bhāva (also) without limit.
जे वि य ते खंदया ! जाव...किं अणं ते सिद्धे तं चेव जाव...दव्वओ णं एगे सिद्धे सते। खेत्तओ णं सिद्धे असंखेज्जपएसिए असंखेज्जपएसोगाढे अत्थि पुण से. अंते । कालओ णं सिद्ध सादीए अपज्जवसिए नत्थि पुण से अंते, भावओ णं सिद्धे अणंता णाणपज्जवा अणता दसणपज्जवा जाव... अणंता अगुरुलहुयपज्जवा नत्थि पुण से अंते । सेत्तं दव्वओ णं सिद्धे सअंते क्षेत्तओ णं सिद्ध सअंते कालओ णं सिद्धे अणते भावओ णं सिद्धे अणंते।
And then, oh Skandaka, you ha ve in mind...till whether the perfected souls are without limit ...till as to substance, the perfected souls are one and with limit ; as to place, the