Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 1 Ch. 8
___A. 264. Gautama! Such a man,...till sets a trap,...till a forest with varieties of flora, sometimes performs three activities, sometimes four activities, and sometimes five activities.
Q. 265. Bhante! Why do you say so that he sometimes performs three activities, sometimes four activities and sometimes five activities?
A. 265. Gautama ! So long as he holds the net but fastens not the animal and kills it not, he is touched by three activities, viz., physical activities or activities of the body, instrumental activities arising out of the collection of instruments, and activities born out of hatred. So long as he holds the net and fastens the animal but kills it not, he is touched by four activities, viz., physical, instrumental, hatred-born and pain-causing. When he holds the net, fastens the animal and kills it, he is touched by five activities, viz., physical, instrumental, hatredborn, pain-causing and slaughter. Hence, oh Gautama, it is so,...till sometimes five activities.
प्रश्न २६६-पुरिस णं भंते ! कच्छंसि वा जाव...वणविदुग्गंसि वा तणाई ऊसविय ऊसविय अगणिकायं णिसिरइ। तावं च णं से भंते ! पुरिसे कतिकिरिए ?
उत्तर २६६-गोयमा! सिय तिकिरिए सिय चउकिरिए सिय पंचकिरिए । प्रश्न २६७-से केणठेणं ?
उत्तर २६७-गोयमा! जे भविए उस्सवणयाए तिहिं। उस्सवणयाए वि णिसिरणयाए वि णो दहणयाए चउहिं। जे भविए उस्सवणयाए वि णिसिरणयाए वि दहणयाए वि तावं च णं से पूरिसे काइयाए जाव...पंचहिं किरियाहिं पुढें। से तेणठेणं गोयमा !
प्रश्न २६८-पुरिसं णं भंते ! कच्छंसि वा जाव...वणविदुग्गंसि वा मिय वित्तीए मियसंकप्पे मियपणिहाणे मियवहाए गंता एते मिय त्ति काउं अण्णयरस्स मियस्स बहाए उसु णिसिरति तओ णं भंते ! से पुरिसे कतिकिरिए ?
उत्तर २६८-गोयमा! सिय तिकिरिए सिय चउकिरिए सिय पंचकिरिए।