भगवती सूत्र शः १ उः . कामपिवासए तच्चित्ते तम्मणे तल्लेसे तदझवसिए तत्तिव्वज्झवसाणे तदट्ठोवउत्ते तदप्पिक्यरणे तब्भावणभाविए एयंसि णं अंतरंसि कालं करेज्ज नेरइएसु उववज्जइ। से तेण→णं गोयमा! जाव...अत्थेगइए उववज्जेज्जा अत्थेगइए नो उववज्जेज्जा ।
प्रश्न २५६-जीवे णं भंते ! गभगए समाणे देवलोगेसु उववज्जेज्जा ? उत्तर २५६-अत्थेगइए उववज्जेज्जा अत्थेगइए नो उववज्जेज्जा।
प्रश्न २५७-से केणठेणं?
उत्तर २५७-गोयमा! से णं सन्नी पंचिदिए सव्वाहिं पज्जत्तीहिं पज्जत्तए तहारूवस्स समणस्स वा माहणस्स वा अंतिए एगमपि आरियं धम्मियं सुवयणं सोच्चा निसम्म तओ भवइ संवेगजायसड्ढे तिव्वधम्माणुरागरत्ते से णं जीवे धम्मकामए पुनकामए सग्गकामए मोक्खकामये धम्मकंखिए पुन्नकंखिए सग्गकंखिए मोक्खकंखिए धम्मपिवासए पुग्नपिवासए सग्गमोक्खपिवासए तच्चित्ते तम्मणे सल्लेसे तदभवसिए तत्तिव्वउझवसाणे सदट्ठोवउत्ते तदपिय-करणे तब्भावणाभाविए एयंसि णं अंतरंसि कालं करेज्ज देवलोगेसु उववज्जइ। से तेणठेणं गोयमा!
Q. 254. Bhante ! Does the soul which has lived in the womb take birth in the hells ?
A. 254. Gautama! Some are so born and some are not.
Q. 255.
Why is it so ?
____ A. 255. Gautama! One who has been living in the womb, who is endowed with the five organs of senses and also mind, who is perfect with vitalities, who, on hearing and duly knowing that the enemy's forces have come to attack, throws out the soul-spaces by dint of his power of vitality and power to transform (the body), and creates, by dint of his power to create, a fourfold army and fights with the enemy forces—such one desirous of wealth, desirous of kingdom, desirous of objects of pleasure, desirous of objects of enjoyment, involved in wealth,