Positive Contents of Jinism
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argued that householders and masses in general are not en. titled to reap benefit of those preachings and messages ? More than 2500 years have passed but the light given by Bhagvan Mahaveer still benefits us with the same or rather added wattage. These leaders of the humanity make it a routine to uplift the beings without any distinction or discrimi. nation whatsoever (Sootrakritaanga 1-6(28) ea qualfeu maaarii In exegesis of this sootra, Acharya Shilank makes & point that even the past efforts of Bhagwan Mahaveer for his own upliftment before Kevaljnana are also a part and parcel of subsequent social service because unless one practises and becomes perfect, his preachings fail to have any impact-rather he is unqualified to preach. As per the latter part of the above quoted Mantra of Acharanga, a perfect monk, engaged in this type of activity is immune from incurring bondage. It should not be argued that the case of Thirthankars is different, for they are bound to do that duty, but this type of social work on the part of an ordinary preceptor or Upadhyaya (teacher) or sadhu would mean deriliction from his chosen path. On the other hand Acharanga I-196 casts an obligation on a monk to do this work out of compassion
लोए समित दंसणे दयं लोगस्स जाणित्ता पाईणं पड़ीणं दाहीणं उदीणं प्राइक्खे विभए किट्ट वेदवी-से उट्ठिएसुवा, अणुट्ठिएसुवा सूस्सूसमाणेसु पवदेए--अणुवीइ भिक्खू धम्ममाइक्खेज्जा ।
As far as disciples and wards are concerned, a preceptor should apply his full energy day and night to train them up
एस तेर्सि भगवतो अणुट्ठाणे जहा से दियापोते एवं ते सिस्सा दिया य रातो य अणुपुग्वेण वायित्ता त्तिबेमि ।
(Acharanga I, 189-90) Acharanga 134, specially its Nagarjuna rendering makes
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