Positive Contents of Jinism
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प्रारंभसत्ता गढिता य लोए, धम्मं न जाणंति विमोक्खहेउं ॥ 16 ।।
People who believe in self inactivity, still when confronted by others concede its liberation; being deeply involved in voilence etc. and entirely engrossed in wordly objects, they do not know the duties which lead to salvation [Sootrakritaanga I. 10(16)]
कुव्वं च कारयं चेव, सव्वं कुव्वं न विज्जइ। एवं अकारो आया, एवं ते उ पग्गभिया ।। 13॥
जे ते उ वाइणो एवं, लोए तेसि को सिमा ? तमामो ते तमं जंति, मंदा प्रारंभणिस्सिया ।। 14 ।।
Some talk loosly that in doing or getting a thing done and while in all activity, self is not present and in this manner, self is totally inactive. How can there be roamings in this world as per these people (i. e. cannot). These fools involved in fierce deeds proceed from bad to worse.
[Sootrakritaanga, I, 1, (13, 14)]
समिस्स भावं च गिरा गहिए, से मुम्मई होई अणाणुवाइ । इमं दुपक्खं इममेग पक्खं, पाहंसु छलायतणं च कम्मं ॥ 5 ॥ ते एवमक्खंति अबुज्झमाणा, विरूवरूवाणि अकिरियवाई । जे माइयत्ता बहवे मणुस्सा, भमंति संसारमणोवदग्गं ।। 6 ।।
णाइच्चो उएइ ण अत्थमेति, ण चंदिमा वडढति हायतो वा । सलिला ण सदंति, ण वंतिवाया, वंझो णियतो कसिणे हु लोए ।। 7 ।।
जहा य अंधे सह जोतिणावि, रूवाई णो पस्सति हीणणेते । संतंपि ते एवं अकिरियवाई, किरियं ण पस्संति विरुद्धपण्णा ॥ 8 ॥
Being ignorant, these Akriyavadees make all types of jumbled statements and use ambiguous language and be
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