Bhagawan Mahavir )
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to construct buildings of various descriptions with different materials; how sites should be selected for buildings; where should be the drawing-room and main door in a house; how lime etc. should be prepared; what other materials should be mixed with lime in a certain quantity so that they may make the strongest and most lasting mortar for joining bricks and stones; how dams are constructed from the beds of deep and flowing rivers; how canals should be constructed; how to rejoin or straighten the walls of a big house whose Youndation has been shaken by some reason, and consequently whose walls häve been seperated or bent down; where water can be got in abundance and permanently by digging only a little and where it cannot be got at all even by digging deep in the ground; how maps and sketches of the above things can ly prepared etc. etc.
(44) “PATRA-CHHEDANA":-This art taught how to pierce a leaf of any tree, at any height, át any point, in a single aim and in a fixed time.
(45) "MARMA-BHEDANA" Piercing at a vital part of the body:- This art taught how to pierce a certain part of the body at a fixed point, by any weapon in a single aim and in a fixed time.
(46) “LOKA-CHARA” General knowledge of conduct:The function of this art was to teach people how knowledge of conduct and behaviour was useful for the society; how every bit of knowledge became useless with a man who did not know how to behave properly; why Lokachara had been called to be the very root of religion; how long life could be attained by means of a good conduct; how we should behave with the happy and miserable, pious and sinful people of
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