Bhagawan Mahavir]
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who is an authority in Ayurveda (of physical life and medical treatment), dwelling upon the advantages of physical exercise says in his famous book 'Ashtanga her daya' 'Exercise creates energy, increases strength rekindles digestion, destroys phlegm of the body, and makes the limbs and muscles healthy, strong and beautiful. The 'Bhavaprakasha' a book on medicine says. "By taking regular exercise, a man loses all fear of old age, he remains quite young till his death. and those who are clumsily too fat, loose their fatness also". But the athletic must remember that exercise is not always useful to every one without exception. Those people who do not know the rules of athletics, and who take exercises in season and out of season without any regularity, suffer a great loss in course of time. The author of Bhava Prakasa opines this in this connection. He says 'One who has just taken his food, who cannot control his sexual appetite who is suffering from cough, asthma, tuberculosis, blood, piles and such other diseases which emaciate the body, should never take a physical exercise. But he further says, if a man has not lost his energy he might first walk slowly in open air and then resume his practice of physical exercise, otherwise it will be very injurious to his health.
Extremely vigorous exercises are also very harmful at times. The Ashtanga Hridaya says 'A foolish over-exertion of body gives rise to many dangerous diseases, for example drying up of the fat of body, thirst, consumption, blood-pile, emaciation and cough etc., From the experience of the physicians and the doctors we learn that to walk briskly breathing slowly and deeply through nose in the open air, outside human habitations, in the gardens and hills full of
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