Bhagawan Mahavir ]
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Sagara (sea of milk ), (12) the celestial aeroplane, (13) a heap of jewels, (14) blazes of burning fires which did not produce smoke. After that she awoke, regained her consciousness, and began to reflect upon the goodness or badness of dreams. After a long contemplation, she reached the following conclusion "I have seen very auspicious dreams. Their fruit seems very sweet and pleasant. I think the time has come when my husband's name would shine in the world and my issue would shed forth celestial lustre in all directions. It seems that violence, hatred, and vices of all kinds are to give way to non-injury, love and universal peace. Opposition and slavery would soon come to end for good. The world would soon learn that lowest of its creations can rise to the position of a Tirthankara and attain salvation simply on the strength of his good deeds." Although wise queen Trishala had thus understood the significance of her dreams, still, she felt it her duty to inform her husband of the fact and ascertain from him what they really meant. With this intention she got up from her bed, came out of her bed-chamber, and went to the next bed chamber where king Siddhartha was sleeping soundly.
The reader should take a lesson from the above example and should remember that in those days the beds and bedchambers of husbands and wives were separate. Modern science says that if the husband and wife go on sleeping in the same bed for the whole night, their feelings are permanently disturbed. A man with corrupt feeling cannot possess sound health, and unhealthy parents are bound to produce sickly, indolent, lazy, weak and ungraceful children, who ruin their life and character even before they reach the proper age.Parents
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