Ravan's Marriage
"My thoughts about this have no end. I have not been able to sleep on account of these thoughts”.
"Have you thought of any suitable brides ?”
"No. No. I have not thought of any brides. Though I thought about it long, I have not been able to find any suitable girls”.
"Then ?"
“Ah! This is really fine! Is it only I that should think of this matter !” Kaikasi said pretending to be angry.
“So, should I also look for suitable brides ?” Ratnashrava said in a jocular tone.
"If not you who else can do this ?” Both laughed and their laughter filled the chamber. “Dear queen! Worrying thus is of no use”.
“Then, should not parents think of the affairs of their children ?" Kaikasi said, feeling a little annoyed.
"Surely they should think of the affairs of their children; but within certain limits; not to the extent of becoming sleepless on account of too much worry”.
"I do not really understand you. What are you saying ? What exactly do you mean ?”
"My dear Queen! It is natural that we should worry about our children. But in the case of souls that possess Punya (merit), their merit (Punya) itself thinks of their affairs and settles their future. When that is so what is the use of our thinking about it? Your sons are heroic; and they are blessed by fortune. Their affairs will be settled by their own Punya
(merit) and fortune. Their Punya and their Destiny will think of their affairs. I am, sure that very soon their Destiny and their merit will bring the right partners”.
“What you say is true but..”. “You are not able to get rid of your worry. Am I right ?” “Yes, that's right”.
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