He has two daughters who are beautiful like Rambha and Urvashi, the heavenly dancers. One is called Kaushika; and the other is called Kaikasi. Kaushika has been married to King Vishrava, the king of Vidyadhars of Yakshapura. His son, Vaishravan, a Vidyadhar is the King of Lanka. I am Kaikasi, the younger daughter of Vyomabindu, the most valiant hero and a great man".
"Once a certain astrologer came to Kautukmangal. He was a great scholar and was an indisputable master of astrology. When my father asked him about my future, he told my father; "Ratnashrava, the noble son of Sumali, the king of the Rakshasas and the ruler of Pathal Lanka, will marry your daughter".
"Dear young man, is he now in Pathal Lanka".
"Yes! He is in Pathal Lanka; but he is carrying on a deep meditation sitting beneath a peepal tree in the Kusumodyan garden in order to achieve extraordinary magical and supernatural powers".
"My dearest lord! Hearing the prediction made by the astrologer, my father was overwhelmed with joy. Therefore, he himself prompted me to come here. Indeed, I feel supremely blessed to-day".
On seeing that divinely beautiful damsel; and hearing her words, Ratnashrava experienced a delightful thrill which shot to the brims of his being with electric rapidity. Impetuous waves of joy rolled through his heart and he felt elated to the heights of joy. Kaikasi also was deeply infatuated with Ratnashrava who was a young man of extraordinary valour and splendour. Ratnashrava, at once, sent for his relatives, friends and colleagues. He got a magnificent city built called Pushpantar in that very place; married Kaikasi and began to spend his life in physical enjoyments and sensual pleasures, in her company. It was like two mighty and impetuous rivers flowing through the same valley; inevitably converging, uniting with a clash of waves and then flowing together like a single river, sublimely indifferent to the concerns of life.
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